10 Horrible Cat Jokes That Are So Bad They’re Good

Every now and then, everyone could all use a good laugh on cat jokes.

And what better way is there to get a chuckle or two than with the help of cats? Cats are simply awesome, and hilarious at almost everything they do. Especially since our felines don’t care about our approval.

Naturally, cats are not particularly impressed at all with our cat jokes.

Perhaps that’s because they’re kind of cheesy and well…terrible, and cats aren’t really fond of cheese. They would quickly leave that interest to their rodent friends!

Thanks to jokes4us.com for these various kitty-themed jokes!

1. One of my neighbors owns several cats. On a recent visit, she introduced them to me: “That’s Astrophe, that’s Erpillar, that’s Aract, that’s Alogue.”

“Where on earth did you get such unusual names?” I asked.

“Oh, those are their last names,” she explained. “Their first names are Cat.”

2. What do you call a cat in a station wagon?

A car-pet.

3. What’s the unluckiest kind of cat to have?

Why, a catastrophe, of course!

4. A man in a movie theater notices what looks like a cat sitting next to him.

“Are you a cat?” asked the man, surprised.

“Yes,” the cat replied.

“What are you doing at the movies??” the man asked.

“Well,” said the cat. “I liked the book.”

5. Since my cat is getting old, I’m gonna start calling him by a new name…

Turns out she just had the movie on paws.

7. How is cat food sold?

“I’m paw!”

9. What is a French cat’s favorite pudding?

Chocolate mousse!

10. What is cleverer than a talking cat?

10. What is cleverer than a talking cat?

A spelling bee!