Should You Keep Changing Your Password? 5 Password Security Myths Busted

Your password is the first line of defense against security threats. However, these outdated password myths could be jeopardizing your security, which is why they need busting right now.

1Myth 1: One Strong Password Is Enough for Everything

If you’re using one password for multiple accounts, you’ve fallen prey to one of the most damaging password security myths. Unfortunately, one strong password isn’t enough to keep you safe, and this lack of “variety” can create more damage than you’re probably aware of.


Even the strongest password can be phished, brute-forced, or key-logged. If a nasty hacker compromises your credentials on one site, the first thing they’ll do is use it to gain access to other websites. Just like that, you’ve become a victim of a cybercrime because you thought coming up with new passwords was too much of a hassle.

You can avoid this fate by using different strong and unique passwords for every account. Oh, and there’s no need to remember all of them (or use sticky notes), as you can keep track of your passwords with a password manager.

2Myth 2: Passwords Are Outdated

While new authentication technologies like passkeys may eliminate the overreliance on passwords in the future, we’re still a few years from seeing a complete paradigm shift.

For starters, everyone needs to get on board, from website vendors to users. Despite the fact biometrics enhance security, plenty of people still see them as an invasion of privacy. Thus, your password won’t go away any time soon.

3Myth 3: You Should Change Your Password Often

If your passwords are already strong and unique, changing them every few months is counterproductive. Aside from making your life harder (since you’re not getting anything tangible out of it), you may inadvertently create weaker and weaker passwords with each change, especially if you rely on your memory.

Apple Passwords app on the Mac asking for authentication.

That said, in scenarios where you were affected by a data breach, someone tried to access your account, or you used an unprotected public Wi-Fi network, you should change your password—just make sure it’s as unique and as strong as the old one.

4Myth 4: Multi-Factor Authentication Is Foolproof

Though seemingly impervious to hacks, multi-factor authentication (MFA) is relatively easy to bypass for persistent and skilled cybercriminals.

person inputting 2fa password into laptop and smartphone

For instance, they may bombard users with multiple authentication requests until they receive access. Age-old phishing is also effective, and it’s very common for hackers to pose as IT support to pressure you into giving up your MFA code.

Ultimately, while MFA is certainly a good way to enhance your overall security, it’s not a foolproof technique that eliminates all threats.

5Myth 5: Complex Passwords Are Inherently More Secure

Think your passwords with a bunch of symbols and random numbers are impenetrable? Think again!

Sadly, there is nothing you can do about this. A website or a company may require you to boost password complexity by implementing specific rules, but they may store them in plain text with no encryption, making the entire ordeal pointless.

It’s also a sort-of standard practice for cybercriminals to use some of the rules to their advantage. For example, if a website has a minimum and maximum password length requirement, hackers have a clear starting point and will try combinations that meet these requirements.

Length and complexity are effective safeguards against brute-force attacks, but you should also take note of password originality. Hackers often employ password spray techniques to crack common passwords across various websites. Most security systems block out these attacks, so if your password is original, you minimize the chance of falling victim to this blind-fire cyber attack.