What an ideal world it would be if kittens all had a loving mother and father. But most of the time, they’re extremely lucky to have an attentive and healthy mama able to care for them. Meanwhile, a kitten’s father is generally out of the picture and can often be dangerous to them. Yet here’s the story of Cheeto and Moose, whose kittens enjoyed growing up in a most unusual, big, loving family.
The Love Story of Cheeto and Moose
When a ginger tabby mama cat, Cheeto, was about to give birth south of Columbus, Ohio, the father cat, Moose, took an active interest from the start. As Cheeto’s belly grew bigger by the day, he cuddled up close to her as if anticipating the baby’s arrival.
Moose nuzzled his head on her, gently purring next to her belly for hours! Was he trying to help the babies with his healing purrs?

Images and media via TikTok/ayshaclever
The cats’ human, Aysha Clever, posted the video to TikTok, where it melted hearts, reaching over 4.1 million views!
Video via TikTok/ayshaclever
Cheeto and Moose Stayed Close For Days
It was a nonstop lovefest between Cheeto and Moose for days. The mama was overdue, causing concern. After a vet trip, Cheeto was doing fine and returned home to give birth at any second! Aysha even took off work so she could be there for their arrival. And Moose was thrilled to see them return home so he could resume cuddling.
Although it was exciting, the kittens were unplanned. All of them would be spayed and neutered later. However, Aysha was prepared to give a home to all the cats herself.
After a prolonged wait, the first baby, 24 Karat, arrived at 3 in the morning. All the while, Moose remained the purrfect Daddy, supporting Cheeto while she remained in labor. When they tried to take him out of the room, Cheeto got upset, so they brought him back!
Video via TikTok/ayshaclever
After an unusually prolonged labor, Aysha was in contact with the vet all day. And Moose remained by Cheeto’s side. Finally, the mama gave birth to just one more orange kitten, Mango.
Sadly, a third kitten, Mandarin, was stillborn. A heartbroken Cheeto watched from the door as they laid Mandarin to rest. It was a devastating moment which seems to demonstrate the full depth of emotions cats can experience. Was she mourning her lost baby? We think so.
Throughout everything, Moose continued to be a model father, caring for the two kittens tenderly.

Plot Twist: Cheeto and Moose – Plus Mellow?
Two weeks later, everyone got another surprise! Although Moose was now neutered, he had previously managed to father another litter with a white kitty, Mellow. Soon, three more kittens arrived: Bison, Bleu Cheese, and Asiago.

Soon after Mellow gave birth, something unusual happened again! Cheeto, having experienced such a difficult labor and the loss of Mandarin, started helping her. As Mellow rested, Cheeto started cleaning the babies and carried them off to nurse with her own babies, Karat and Mango.

Cheeto tenderly cares for Mellow and her kittens along with Moose
When Mellow grew stronger, she reclaimed all the kittens and took them to a new spot. There, the mixed litters received care from two mommas as Moose watched over them all! Such a communal situation may not be unheard of, but it is very uncommon, particularly factoring in the caring baby daddy!

Images via TikTok/ayshaclever
A Communal Kitten Cuddle Puddle
Cheeto, Moose, and Mellow are an example of kittens being raised communally in a ridiculously loving cuddle puddle. But it’s also an example of how surprising things get when pets aren’t spayed and neutered.

Later, Aysha shared that all of them were successfully fixed. And best of all, they will always be one big happy family together. In this home, all the cats seem to get along great, a little slice of purradise!
“We made the decision to keep their family together, and had them all spayed and neutered. And it’s the greatest choice we’ve ever made,” she wrote.
Spaying/Neutering Helps Cats Live Their Best Lives
Having been surprised by the arrival of the kittens, Aysha encourages everyone to spay and neuter their pets.
“I want them to lead the best lives possible, and that starts with spaying/neutering. I wish our vet appt was sooner; but I believe in making the best of situations,” she wrote.
You can see much more of Cheeto, Moose, and Mellow and their “5 grandkittens” on TikTok.
Video via TikTok/ayshaclever