If your beloved pet has gone missing, don’t give up! There’s still a shot they could reappear one day. If they have an up-to-date microchip, your odds go way up! However, before these reunions can happen, there are often some ameowzing synchronicities and caring people involved. And cats have a way of finding the right people for help. Consider the story of Sam, a lovable, friendly cat who had been missing for five years.
One Day, Sam Got Out and Vanished
Some twelve years ago, Cindy and Jeff Hall adopted a 12-week-old grey kitten, Sam (then Luke), from a rescue in Arizona.
“We had him for seven years. Then one day, he got out,” Cindy told KARK 4.
Sam on the right. Images via Facebook/Pawsitively Cats No-Kill Shelter
The family did all they could to find Sam, but he was nowhere to be found. And, it will always remain a mystery how Sam traveled over 1200 miles to Arkansas. Possibly, somebody picked him up and didn’t look for his microchip. People may not be aware of microchips and how easy it is for a vet to scan for them.
“If only Sam could tell us how he wound up so far from home we’re sure it would be a fabulous story,” shared Pawsitively Cats.
He Walked Up and Asked for Help
Nobody knows Sam’s story, but he played a big part in his own rescue five years later! He was at a Brinkley, Arkansas, gas station in late March on a Friday when he walked up to two women, Robyn and Tina, who were transporting dogs.
“It is a miracle that he walked up to these two women that were in rescue,” Cindy Hall told KARK 4.
The Kitty Had No Fear of the Dogs
Sam was friendly to the women despite the rescued Labs in the vehicle! Did he instinctively know they were animal lovers and rescuers? Maybe!
“He had no fear of the two drivers whatsoever – or those big dogs,” shared Alone 2 Home. “They loaded the dogs ,and he stayed near – like he wanted to go, too!”
After checking with the store owner, they learned the kitty, now age 12, had been there for some time but didn’t seem to have an owner around. No homes were in the area. Even so, he was a robust 21 and a half pounds.
“Tina and Robyn knew in their hearts they couldn’t leave him there,” Alone 2 Home shared.
While Robyn continued with the dogs, Tina took the friendly and healthy kitty to the Jacksonville Animal Hospital in Little Rock, AR.

Images via YouTube/FOX 16 KLRT
They all took great care of him, and that’s when they discovered Sam’s microchip!

Jacksonville Animal Hospital in Little Rock, AR with Sam/Luke
Many Caring Hands Helped Sam Get Home
The microchip identified Sam’s original rescuers, Pawsitively Cats, and his rescue name, Luke. But he needed to make a long trip to get home. Wonderfully, the volunteers arranged for transport again, and Sam hit the road to El Paso, Texas. There, the rescue’s director, Sheryl Campbell, notified his family, who were thrilled to hear Sam was alive after five years missing!

Sheryl takes Sam on the next leg of his long journey via Facebook/Pawsitively Cats
Sheryl carried the sweet cargo to Tucson, where Cindy and Jeff, who now live in Nevada, finally had a joyful reunion! He had traveled well over 2,000 miles in all.

“Update: Sam was joyfully reunited with his family this morning! They are on their way home to Nevada now where Sam will join the rest of the family; cats, dogs and human sisters.
,” shared Pawsitively Cats No-Kill Shelter.
Cindy Hall reunited with her long-lost kitty.
Video by KARK 4 about the reunion:
He Made Himself Right at Home
Back at home, at last, Sam made himself right at home.
“I really can’t get over how seamlessly he has reintegrated himself into our family of two cats and two greyhounds. They behave as if they were never apart! The greyhounds never knew him but they are kitty friendly,” said Cindy Hall on Facebook.
However, after all the attention from rescuers, Sam has become addicted to Churus.
“He LOVES them!” Cindy said. “We had to buy a 50-pack because now all the kitties love them also ( and the dogs too!) I had never seen them before but man they are like kitty crack,” said Cindy.
After the “surreal” experience of reuniting with her long-lost kitty, she says, “Having him home makes our family feel complete.”

Happy life, Sam and family! And remember to activate and update your microchip information with the chip company because reunions can happen when you least expect them! Your vet can help you if you have questions.

You can follow and support Pawsitively Cats on Facebook, Instagram, and their website.
More details in the video by FOX 16 KLRT: