‘Champion Ear Wiggler’ Kitten is Ready for Take Off in Foster Home!

Spring kitten season always brings a flood of orphaned kittens and, with them, many challenges and sacrifices for rescuers. But there are also many rewards for caring for these tiny bundles of love. Rescuers in Prescott, Arizona, recently shared the cutest example after taking in a litter of cuties found in a barn. One of them became a ‘champion ear wiggler!’

‘The Newbies’ Rescued In A Barn

Five tabby kittens born in a barn were just two weeks old when their mama disappeared. Fortunately, a kind person knew they were there and watched for the mother cat to return. Sadly, after two days, she never came back. In their time of need, they reached out for help from the dedicated team at Catty Shack Rescue, who stepped in to provide the care these little ones desperately needed.

“We are already hard at it, taking in these babies who wouldn’t stand a chance without a caring foster willing to sacrifice sleep, time and energy to ensure these babies make it and have a chance at life. Fostering Saves Lives is more than a slogan,” the rescue shared.

Dubbed the Newbies, the five kittens adapted quickly to foster care.

“Thankfully, all are well and have learned to latch and drink! Go Kittens Go!” Catty Shack Rescue shared.

Catty Shack Rescue, Prescott, Arizona, Susan Smart, ear wiggles, champion ear wiggler, orange tabby, barn kittens, rescued kittens, bottle babies, bottle feeding kittens, 6

“We don’t know what happened to Mom, but we are so glad you found us! Weighing in at 10 ounces, these little guys are adjusting to the excellent foster care being given to them. Won’t be long until they are running around getting underfoot!”

Catty Shack Rescue, Prescott, Arizona, Susan Smart, ear wiggles, champion ear wiggler, orange tabby, barn kittens, rescued kittens, bottle babies, bottle feeding kittens, 4

Ear Wiggler Looks Ready for Take-Off!

While bottle-feeding the Newbies, one of the orange kittens rewarded the foster provider with ear wiggles. As you can see, he’s flapping so hard it looks as if he could take off into the air! Besides being cute, the wiggles are a welcome sign of a strong appetite.

Catty Shack Rescue, Prescott, Arizona, Susan Smart, ear wiggles, champion ear wiggler, orange tabby, barn kittens, rescued kittens, bottle babies, bottle feeding kittens, 1

There are 32 muscles in a kitten’s ears. As they are developing fast, they often twitch as a kitten swallows formula. Or maybe they do it just to melt our hearts?

“You may not be mom, but you are the next best thing. Foster love♥️!”

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Videos via Instagram/cattyshackrescue

Days later, the champion’s ears looked a little bigger, while the rate of wiggle is a tiny bit slower!

“Here he is again…the winner and still champion latcher and ear wiggler. What a guy!”

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Ready to Rumble!

After the kittens all had full bellies, they quickly regained strength and were ready to wrestle!

“Ok guys, now that we all have full tummies…let’s FIGHT! Let the rumble begin.”

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Video via Instagram/Catty Shack Rescue

Champion Ear Wiggler Still Holds the Title

By the middle of May, the champion ear wiggler still held the tile as the last to wean from the bottle. By that time, his ears were so much bigger but not quite as wiggly. Nevertheless, he won over his foster mom’s attention.

“Ummm….everyone else is eating out of a dish like big kids except you know who. He wants his baba and he succeeds!”

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For more, you can follow and support Catty Shack Rescue on Instagram, Facebook, and their website. Those in the Prescott area can learn how to foster kittens like these by reaching out to the rescuers.

“So many little lives depend on all of our efforts together to keep the world a safe place for them after their rough starts. Join us in gifting them with life, love and happiness!” they shared.

Catty Shack Rescue, Prescott, Arizona, Susan Smart, ear wiggles, champion ear wiggler, orange tabby, barn kittens, rescued kittens, bottle babies, bottle feeding kittens, 2