Couple Rescues Abused Dog And Cry As She Learns To Love Again

People who rescue dogs have the biggest hearts. So, it’s no surprise that this couple breaks down in tears as they watch their terrified new rescue learn to love again.

When they bring home their new foster, she is so scared that all she wants to do is escape. She jumps against the door and seems to be desperate to run away from the people who want to help her.

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There is a good reason why she is so afraid. She had been burned on her face and was now very scared of people. Despite her fear, this couple takes the shanking dog and tries to offer her as much comfort as they can.

They name her Molly and shower her with love. But she is so scared she won’t even take food. They understand her fear but wonder how long it will take her to come out of her shell. Their other foster dog doesn’t even seem to be breaking through her shell.

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But then, a miracle happens. The dog decides to trust her foster family and melts into their arms. They burst into tears as they wrap their arms around her and she rolls over for belly rubs, trusting them for the first time.

Now that she’s ready, it’s time for her to go to her forever home. And, as sad as they are to give her up, in order for her to have the best life and enable them to save more dogs, they must let her go.

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But another miracle happens in Molly’s life, they find a person who wants to adopt her right away. He has just moved into an apartment and is willing to open his heart and home to her. She’s a little nervous when they meet but he instantly bonds to her.

Before you know it, Molly made it full circle. She’s off the streets and going on many adventures with her new owner. She’s adjusted amazingly well and now living the best life ever.

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From abused and fearful, to an adored companion, Molly took a chance on love, and now she has the best forever home ever. All because she was willing to trust again and was rescued by some people who cared.

We hope you enjoyed Molly’s sweet rescue story. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.