Owner Caught On Camera Abandoning Golden Retriever

The trust a dog has in its owner is unlimited. They rely on their humans for food, water, love, and care. They repay this care with a lifetime of loyal devotion and friendship.

So, when this owner does the unthinkable and abandons their golden retriever along a street, the dog is very confused. They naturally trusted their person to come back but as time passes and they don’t, the dog is betrayed in the worst way imaginable.

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In this video, a man is seen taking his dog from his car and tying its leash to a light pole along a street. At first, the trusting dog seems to think this is just an adventure but when the man gets into his car and drives away, the poor dog’s expression changes and his face fills with worry.

The dog sits down and watches for his owner but is beginning to get confused. Alone, the owner isn’t returning and because he’s tied up, there is nowhere to go and no way to follow his person.

It’s obvious the dog has been dumped and is now at the mercy of whoever’s heart is moved to help. The desperate dog begins to beg people passing by, but no one seems to care that the helpless pup is tied up and alone.

People continue to pass the pup by and even though it’s obvious the dog needs help, still no one bothers. Finally, a woman walking by takes a second look. Realizing the dog is alone, she stops and slowly approaches.

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The dog is happy and relieved that someone cared enough to stop and is very friendly toward her. So, she stays with the dog while calling a friend for help. While they wait, the sweet dog leans against her, surely hoping she doesn’t walk away, too.

The friend brings food and feeds the dog, which seems very hungry. Then the two women manage to untie the dog. They take pictures to report to the police and we assume take the dog to safety.

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The video is heartbreaking and even though the dog was betrayed by the person who was supposed to love it most, it remains loving and thankful, full of hope and trust in the two women who showed it kindness.

Dogs are so amazing. This video is a great example of the best and worst in people when it comes to caring for animals. No pet deserves what the owner did to this sweet dog. We hope that you share it with your friends.