We will always unashamedly view pets as family, whatever the critics say. Even for families with human kids, pets are their babies too, and they remain that way no matter what their age.
Not to say that it can’t get a little carried away sometimes. For example, some unscrupulous breeders try to sell cats that more closely resemble human babies with big eyes, small noses, and dome-shaped heads. It seems we can’t help but feel instinctively nurturing towards babies of any kind.
But here’s the harmless and incredibly cute story of a furever baby in the Netherlands.
An Adult Bottle-Fed Cat?
Jovie of ‘Jovie’s Home’ generally shares content about life in the Netherlands as a former resident of the States. But recently, her feed has been taken over by cats! Hey, we see it all the time.
It started when Jovie shared a video showing her Aunt and her rescued cat. She took him in when he was only three weeks old after his mother rejected him.
As the kitty looks on, she makes a bottle with a slurry of wet cat food and water. But this kitty is now an adult 2-year-old cat, not a bottle baby!
When just a baby, he had kitten formula and loved to cuddle with his mama as she fed him. As unusual as it is, this cat’s love for bottle feeding never stopped! But now, the formula is different for his dietary needs.
“What’s that brown milk?” the caption states. (It’s wet cat food mixed with water.)
Video by Jovie’s Home:
This Cat Loves Being Babied!
Then we see this cat being bottle-fed like a kitten and thoroughly enjoying it! Have you ever seen an adult cat do this? It’s highly unusual and ridiculously adorable.

Images via YouTube/Jovie’s Home
“My aunt rescued this cat when his mom rejected him. Now an adult, he prefers to eat from a bottle. Inside the bottle is wet cat food mixed with a little water.”
What are the Rules for Bottle-Feeding an Adult Cat?
As the cat is bottle-fed with his slurry formula, he makes biscuits and purrs. He’s in pure heaven with his Mama! How could this be wrong? Since he’s not a kitten, the same rules probably don’t apply. As an adult, he’s most likely not in danger from being fed in this position.

Never Bottle-Feed a Kitten This Way!
However, a kitten fed on their back could inhale fluid into their lungs, which can cause life-threatening aspiration pneumonia.
“Always bottle feed in a natural, belly-down posture—the kitten should be comfortably lying or seated with her belly toward the floor. Never feed a kitten on her back, like a human baby would eat, as this can cause the kitten to inhale fluid into the lungs,” states PetMD.
Yet this adult cat is as happy as can be, making biscuits as he takes the bottle.
Even when Mama isn’t holding him, the kitty likes to sit with his bottle, although he likes it better when she holds it.
‘If Not Baby Why Baby Shaped?’
In a final video, we see how much this cat adores his bottle and being held like a baby. He even makes little sucking sounds, holding both paws on the bottle to steady it, just like a human child!
Jovie says, she doesn’t know who enjoys the bottle-feeding more, the kitty or her Aunt. And we quite enjoy it too! Meanwhile, on Instagram, the comments were priceless:
“If not baby why baby shaped?” said Kelsey, receiving an astonishing 83K likes!
“You got him spoiled already. He’s gonna be 30 living in your basement addicted to catnip,” said Michelle P.
“She’s treating him like a baby and he’ll never grow up to be an independent adult! Seriously, though, I’ve been a veterinarian for 29 years, and I’ve never seen that before – it’s absolutely precious. Bless her for rising that sweet baby,
” said Brenda S.
“When they’re old enough to screw the cap on themselves, you’re supposed to switch to sippy cups or you’ll be spending a fortune on dental correction. I thought all mothers knew?” said Summer A.
You can see more at Jovie’s Home on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
Videos by Jovie’s Home: